Create the Perfect
Candidate Experience

The Only Experience & Reputation Management Platform For Staffing Firms.
Grow Faster with Real-Time Feedback.

A few of our customers: 

Deliver the Best Candidate Experience in the World

Don’t guess what your candidates want – use real-time
reviews to create amazing experiences for clients and candidates

What Our Customers Say:

“The only difference was Great Recruiters”

PeopleLink Improved Retention and Returned a 500% ROI

Kelly Proctor

Senior VP, PeopleLink

“It was love at first sight”

Astute Technical Increased Their Earning Potential with Great Recruiters


Matt Dickens

Sales Director, Astute Technical

“Why didn’t we have this five years ago?”

Blue Chip Talent Took Control of Their Recruiter-Candidate Relationships

Tim Moilanen

President, Blue Chip Talent

"Our company started getting noticed everywhere"

CCS Construction Staffing Raised Google Rating and Improved Recruiter Performance

Matt Telamanik

President, CCS Construction

“We’re seeing a 50% response rate on reviews from Great Recruiters"

Fusion Medical Staffing Saw Record Referrals & Reviews with Great Recruiters


Tara Sprakel

Chief Marketing Technologist, Fusion Medical Staffing

"The biggest thing Great Recruiters helped us with is automation."

iPlaceUSA Solved Issues Faster and Improved Candidate-Recruiter Relationships


Jerry Woods

VP of Recruiting, iPlaceUSA

“It’s helped the culture of our company"

PeopleLink Improved Retention and Returned a 500% ROI

Kelly Proctor

Senior VP, PeopleLink

“Great Recruiters has allowed us to boost the earning potential of our team"

Astute Technical Increased Their Earning Potential with Great Recruiters


Matt Dickens

Sales Director, Astute Technical

"We use Great Recruiters to help recruiters do the right thing"

Blue Chip Talent Took Control of Their Recruiter-Candidate Relationships

Tim Moilanen

President, Blue Chip Talent

"It’s been a huge win"

CCS Construction Staffing Raised Google Rating and Improved Recruiter Performance

Matt Telamanik

President, CCS Construction

"Recruiters don’t even have to ask for referrals. They just roll in."

Fusion Medical Staffing Saw Record Referrals & Reviews with Great Recruiters


Tara Sprakel

Chief Marketing Technologist, Fusion Medical Staffing

"It’s cut down response time enormously"

iPlaceUSA Solved Issues Faster and Improved Candidate-Recruiter Relationships


Jerry Woods

VP of Recruiting, iPlaceUSA

You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure

Automate review requests with Great Recruiters to get the feedback you need, right when you need it.

Power Your Marketing With Testimonials

Use candidate and client feedback in your marketing materials to win more deals and place talent faster.

Protect Your Brand from Feedback You Don’t Want Online

Get ahead of problems before they become issues with proactive reputation management.

Increase Employee Engagement, Happiness, and Performance.

Understand the impact your recruiters have on the people they serve. Celebrate the wins and pinpoint opportunities for improvement.

Learn How You Can Grow Faster